Hello everyone! I hope this message finds you feeling good.
It’s September. Fall is finally here! I love fall and couldn’t wait for it after a long, hot summer (you could say that I’m a winter child). Today is the 9th birthday of this blog/website; it’s 9 years of mostly blogging (less in the past couple of years – I was overly occupied with research, writing, helping organisations). It depends how you perceive things, either the glass is half full or half empty, or always full. I’m looking forward to the cold and I welcome the chance at a fresh, new start.
My summer was in a working mode, see the photo above, there’s no sight of the beach, palms, or the sea – I was a real busy bee, writing (in a local coffee shop, too), printing, taking photos, communicating ideas with friends, drawing/painting/water-colouring (do you like giraffes on the pic?), ordering books and more books I was/am reading, baking cookies as a lchp and glutten-free goddess, eating out (exploring new restaurants) & then installing fitness apps (I’m the queen of them, you should see how many of them I have installed and I’m currently using only one), decluttering my space and organising clothes thanks to Marie Kondo’s book, plus I had a long weekend in Budapest and had an amazing luxurious/spa time at Omorovicza.
So, next year will be ten years of this blog, and I would like to get more active here and write more (now, when the weight on my shoulders are falling off, more about it in the upcoming posts).
The new season is here, and interesting things are coming this way, so first thing first you’ll read me at the Scientific American (again) from this October. I’ll be also involved in the World Wide Web organization (#WWW2016) of Microposts next year (more about this in October when we get the green light), and by the end of this year you’ll read two manuscripts from me – it’s very exciting (I’ll upload them here and elsewhere on the internet)! In the meantime, check out this NMS article I’m very proud of; I wrote it with my colleagues. And, another recent article with my Microposts colleagues – talks about Social Science Track that became so popular among researchers and practitioners of Web!
And I may squeeze my summer vacation (that didn’t happen this summer, because I was doing all things that didn’t include beach) into October (just because I can) and travel somewhere (doesn’t have to be necessarily warm, at least walk on the beach counts too). If you have ideas for some European (yes, I don’t want to leave the continent in the mid-of-working-season-and-decide-to-stay-more-than-7/10-days) relaxing place for October, please let me know.
Also, I would appreciate if you can send your suggestions for the future posts, articles, interviews (remember I have interview series), travelogues, personal stories (would you like me to write more like diary posts or some other form?), etc. Please let me know what topics would you like to read here.
Here’s a brief social media housekeeping for those of you who are new reading and visiting this place, about other places on the internet to find me. Beside this website, I have an email newsletter (yes I do, and the form is on the right sidebar of the homepage where you can sign up) where I always reveal my news first, or some information/articles you cannot read here.
My social media active places: you can follow me on Twitter where I share information about digital media, exciting events, and internet research. Lately, I spend most of the time on Instagram, you can follow me at: http://instagram.com/digitalserendipities. You can follow me on Pinterest (informal and very feminine things), and if you want to follow less formal blog posts, check out for Tumblr.
And, in the mean time, your feedback, your comments, and suggestions are more than welcome. Be nice, though 🙂 I want to thank you for sticking with me through all these changes.
Send me your thoughts. I can’t wait to hear from you!
Lots of exciting new things ahead, so stay tuned!
Lots of love, D.