cool animeme

I’ve been tagged twice by Bora for different memes, and I admit I’ve been lazy blogger lately, as I’ve been overwhelmed (and still I am) with other tasks in digital and analogue world. In between of creating the wonderful SNS (social networking system), drawing and making scraps of drafts and frameworks of clusters and nodes with some of the specifications, now (better late than never) I’m writing on cool animal meme , though as being child grown in the city, I’ll try to recall some moments and facts.

An interesting animal I had

When I was a baby kid (just started to walk), we had German Shepperd dog. He was very old and by surprise of all in the family -he had never ever bitten me. I used to, as every curious baby, approach to play with him and everyone kept me away from this cute and tamed dog. I remember one afternoon, I brought some food, he was so good dog, used to eat food from my hand. My aunt, who took care of me, was so upset seeing this, but the dog was cool as I was, didn’t understand why she was so upset. Not long after that he died (not because of the food I gave to him), he was old dog, and he is still in my memory as tame animal despite of his general characteristics. He was my best friend then, and was always happy to be around him. We didn’t have any animal after him for long time, later I had fish(es), cats and other dogs.

An interesting animal I ate

I have really bad feeling about the thought to eat an animal. Beside all possible seafood I ate (from the rive, sea and the ocean, from squids to octopus) – I won’t name them here, maybe an interesting animal I ate is young deer meat and I didn’t know that as people tricked me and told me it was chicken fillet. Of course, the taste is different and when I told them so, they were laughing telling me what was the (wild) animal. I immediately stopped to eat as I always had association for Walt Disney’s cartoon with young Bambi.

An interesting animal in the Museum

In National Museum in Prague, I saw the oldest Mamut (Mammoth) in Europe. In the Zoo (if we can call it animal live museum) I saw unique mother and baby panda, Su Lin and her mom Bai Yun. It was in San Diego zoo.

An interesting thing I did with or to an animal

Ok: I stepped on the European Scorpio last summer. On purpose. It sneaked into the house, I panicked and I dared to approach and took photo. Later, my sister biologist told me it’s harmless and neighbours told me it’s harmless and that they had one too? Huh. So: I killed scorpio. I felt bad afterwards as I never did anything similar to the spider or any other animal. I guess I am paying now my (animal karma.

An interesting animal in its natural habitat

I adore birds in parks, at the ocean, sea, anywhere.  Seagulls, I love to enjoy and record the sound they are making, flock of seagulls make very interesting sound. When I used to live in United States, every morning in front of my door, and everywhere, I was surrounded by lot of squirrels. Several times deer bumped right into the highway while driving. I saw deer and foxes, in urban nature. It’s not that usual for this part of Europe. Recently, I found the cool fossil of animal at the beach of the Northern sea. I am still trying to figure out the possible name of this animal/fish eaten by the seagulls? Any possible answer is welcomed.

Now I am tagging others for cool animal meme: Don, Robyn , Yan and Peggy.


  1. Robyn says:

    Danika, this meme reminds me that our associations with animals are many-faceted. I’m with you about birds… I love seeing them outside and I’m an avid bird-watcher. 🙂 Thanks for the tag.

  2. Danica says:

    Thank you Robyn, couldn’t more agree with you:) feel free to spead the meme to your colleagues scientists and others who may be interested in this meme.

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